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Byte-Pair Encoding

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Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) was introduced by Sennrich et al. in 2016. The problem addressed in this paper relates to the limitations of traditional Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models when dealing with out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, which can be challenging for agglutinative and compound words.

Imagine we have the following two words in a trained tokenizer:

word1 word2
foot ball

If the word football appears in our dataset during the training process, the tokenizer would treat it as <unk> (unknown) tokens, as it does not exist in the vocabulary.

To address this issue, Sennrich et al. proposed using byte-pair encoding (BPE). BPE allows vocabulary representation based on subwords with a fixed size. It replaces the most frequent byte pair with an unused byte.

Byte-pair encoding works as follows:

  • Represent each word as a sequence of characters and add a special character at the end of each word.
  • Count all character pairs.
  • Replace the most frequent character pair with a new character (e.g., replace the pair ('C', 'B') with 'CB').
  • Repeat iteratively until the desired vocabulary size (vocab_size) is reached.
import re, collections

def get_stats(vocab):
    pairs = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for word, freq in vocab.items():
        symbols = word.split()
        for i in range(len(symbols) - 1):
            pairs[symbols[i], symbols[i+1]] += freq
    return pairs

def merge_vocab(pair, v_in):
    v_out = {}
    bigram = re.escape(' '.join(pair))
    p = re.compile(r'(?<!\S)' + bigram + r'(?!\S)')
    for word in v_in:
        w_out = p.sub(''.join(pair), word)
        v_out[w_out] = v_in[word]
    return v_out

vocab = {'l o w </w>': 5, 
         'l o w e r </w>': 2, 
         'n e w e s t </w>': 6,
         'w i d e s t </w>': 3}

num_merges = 10
for i in range(num_merges):
    pairs = get_stats(vocab)
    best = max(pairs, key=pairs.get)
    vocab = merge_vocab(best, vocab)

The output after performing bi-gram and vocab_size = num_merges 10,

  1. ('e', 's') → n e w es t , w i d es t
  2. ('es', 't') → n e w est , w i d est
  3. ('est', '</w>') → n e w est, w i d est
  4. ('l', 'o')lo w , lo w e r
  5. ('lo', 'w')low , low e r
  6. ('n', 'e')ne w est
  7. ('ne', 'w')new est
  8. ('new', 'est</w>')newest
  9. ('low', '</w>')low
  10. ('w', 'i')wi d est

GPT-2 uses Unicode (e.g., UTF-8) rather than characters. First, the string is encoded with UTF-8, converting it to byte-level. This means each character (or symbol) is represented as one or more bytes, depending on the character's Unicode representation. The entire process then works the same as described above.